What Are the Side Effects of Nexlizet?

There are a lot of side effects associated with the cholesterol-lowering medication Nexlizet. Combining bempedoic acid with ezetimibe, this new medication is indicated for the reduction of LDL cholesterol in statin-intolerant patients who cannot reach their targets through diet and exercise alone. That said, while Nexlizet may help to lower cholesterol levels it is also not without its potential drawbacks.

Muscle ache and muscle weakness are one of the frequently reported side effects, known as myalgia. In clinical studies, about 6% of people who took Nexlizet had muscle-related symptoms. This is especially important for many people who have experienced muscle related problems with a prior cholesterol-lowering medication, including statins. Also, Nexlizet can lead to higher levels of liver enzymes, which may be a sign of a possible liver injury. Liver enzymes were more of a problem in clinical trials where around 2% of patients had raised liver enzymes, something that is worrying for people with pre-existing liver conditions.

There are also medical on their site an effect of this madness known as hyperuricemia- when uric acid levels in blood become too high, leading to gout. This occurred in about 4% of patients treated with Nexlizet (versus those on placebo). This is something that could be potentially dangerous to someone with a known history of gout, and may necessitate more frequent check-ins with health practitioners.

In addition, several patients described abdominal pain or diarrhea and indigestion as gastrointestinal complaints. In clinical trials, these side effects were seen in about 5% of people. Although these effects may be mild, they do affect the life conduct and medication compliance.

More serious side effects have been reported in rare cases with Nexlizet, including tendon rupture. This is rarer with an incidence less than 1%, but it still presents a significant risk for injured patients on the move. The exact mechanism of this occurs is poorly understood and is though to be due its influence on collagen synthesis.

Patients are also advised that severe allergic reactions (rash, itching or hives; swelling of the face and throat) have been reported. While rare, these reactions — that develop in fewer than 1% of cases- warrant emergency medical attention placenta previa mine.

Based on these potential risks, it is extremely important for patients as well as healthcare providers to compare the benefits and risks of Nexlizet. Since these may not be detected by routine blood tests, regular monitoring of liver enzymes, uric acid levels and for any muscle symptoms is recommended.

Knowing these side effects, and talking to a healthcare provider about them if subjecting oneself or currently on Nexlizet can aid in the managing of risks associated with this medication. If you want to know more about it in detail then here is nexlizet side effects reference source

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